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Personalized Playlists at Lindsay

Teacher Marla Earnest explains how personalized learning playlists are created in Empower.


Transcript: Marla Earnest: They use Empower, the program I was telling you about earlier. And Empower has a playlist set up in it. And that playlist is determined based on what the kid, that learner, has gaps in. So at the beginning of the year I look at their overall progress. I look at their CELDT scores. I look at their SRA data and I set up a playlist for them. "Here are the learning targets that you need to show proficiency at before the end of the year." And they have activities that they can do on their own. So as they're doing those activities and we're doing the whole class and I’m putting data in they are able to say, "Oh, I don't have this learning target completed. Let me do some of these tasks to show that I have proficiency and then Ms. Earnest can give me my 3V and I can see if I am proficient at that." So they already have a playlist with all their tasks laid out. And so during personalized learning time they go to the computers, they figure out what it is they need to do, they have me there for support, they can ask their classmates for help as they're working through those things. And then when they feel like they're ready they can have a 3V application experience at the end.

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