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Students' Weekly Goals at LPS Richmond

Sophia Thomas, teacher, explains how student set weekly goals for their learning.


Transcript: Sophia Thomas: Their weekly goal is around thinking for this week I am starting the week at maybe 50 percent. Do I want my goal to be a completion goal? Maybe I want to be at 70 percent completion by the end of the week. It could be a performance goal. Their goal could also be focused around a habit or mindset goal. I noticed I was not really focused as I was doing my work so I want to be really focused. I want to have a positive attitude. I want to ask for help. They have a variety of things that they can choose from at the very top. We do force them or encourage them to pick a number of assignments or assessments that they want to complete during the week. Along with that, also think about what kind of goal are you really focusing on? A lot of kids write they're really pushing for completion. A lot of their goals are on completion. I noticed I've not been asking for help. I want to ask for help this week. Or, I noticed that I am not checking my answers or double checking. I want to do that this week.

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