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Summative and Formative Assessments at LPS Richmond

Sophia Thomas, teacher, discusses how the team uses different types of assessment to gauge mastery and retention of skills.

Sophia Thomas

Sophia Thomas: I was involved in creating the summative assessment. We, as a team, came together. At first, we realized that there was not a lot of rigor or depth. So, we changed all of those. There's more writing and pushing going back to some of the things that we're asking them to do in the writing tasks. As a team we create summative assessments. They're not online. So, kids don't have access to them. The same is true for the diagnostic. The formative assessments are sometimes Khan Academy missions or they're School Yourself missions. We have a couple exit tickets admitted in [unintelligible]. Those are all our quizzes. There is one that is at the end of the unit. It's just a cumulative quiz that goes back from all the units picking things, just to see where retention is at. One of the things that we recognized was that sometimes kids can hold on to the information for so long. Forcing them to do a cumulative quiz every time is just reminding them that they are accountable for this information.

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