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Diverse Data Sources

Leveraging data from multiple sources to inform instructional decisions


Valor uses a variety of data sources to inform teaching and learning. Some of the most common data sources are:

  • Exit Tickets - Exit tickets are formative data assessments usually given daily at the end of a lesson. The data is used to monitor student progress. Based on the data, the teacher may modify the next day’s instruction, student groupings, or assignments.
  • Checkpoints - Checkpoints are formative data used by students as they work through their playlists. Playlists contain multiple objectives and a checkpoint at the end of each objective. A student must pass each checkpoint before moving onto the next objective to ensure they are not falling further behind. Checkpoints vary by objective and playlist and can range from solving a few math problems to achieving a minimum of 80% on an IXL activity. Students self-grade the checkpoints with teacher-provided answer keys and record their own score in the Playlist Tracker. Trackers allow teachers to quickly review Checkpoint progress and determine if any additional interventions are necessary. Students who are struggling on a checkpoint can also request additional help from the teacher.
  • Playlist Assessments - Students take a summative assessment at the end of each playlist. These assessments usually occur every two to four weeks, depending on how long it takes a student to progress through the playlist’s objectives and checkpoints. Playlist assessments are created in Illuminate, are automatically graded, and provide immediate feedback to students. The assessment counts towards students’ grades, and a student has the option to retake the assessment one time to improve their score. Teachers can analyze summative assessment data and use it to inform instruction.
  • Benchmark Data - Students at Valor take benchmark assessments at the end of every quarter. Valor has created its own benchmark assessments for all subjects but also uses NWEA MAP assessments. Benchmark assessments are used to assess student learning progress and identify gaps in knowledge. After each benchmark assessment, Valor teachers participate in Data Days, non-instructional days that give them time to deeply analyze data, collaborate with other teachers, and use the data to make instructional decisions for the instructional data cycle. Benchmark assessments also help students and teachers prepare for the state assessment, which occurs in the fourth quarter of Valor’s school year.

Strategy Resources

Using Exit Tickets at Valor Collegiate Academies

Valor educators look closely into exit tickets to monitor student learning and plan for future... Learn More

Data Driven Instruction Template at Valor Collegiate Academies

Valor uses this spreadsheet template to guide teachers through data analysis. Learn More