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Student Led Collaborative Groups


Workshop is a powerful strategy that provides students with a degree of choice in how they learn the content in a blended learning classroom. It is also a method of holding them accountable for their choices. This is important so that students learn how to manage their time and how to evaluate their learning options so that they can grow closer to taking charge of their own education.

Each day, student groups receive "tallies"--ratings for moving quickly, making smooth transitions, and employing responses that feature academic vocabulary and professionalism. These tallies are used to determine the order in which student groups select their blended learning stations on the following day.

Additional Resources:

Access more of Daniel Guerrero’s strategies : http://betterlesson.com/user/4...

Access strategies from other teachers in BetterLesson’s Blended Master Teacher Project : http://betterlesson.com/blende...

Strategy Resources

Flowchart Grouping System

This flowchart shows how the teacher makes groups for two week increments of Workshop, using... Learn More

Workshop Lesson Plan

This is an example lesson plan for Workshop from the early part of the year... Learn More

Accountability Document

This is the accountablity document that was created to help with two potential issues. First... Learn More

Workshop Assignment