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Flexibly Redeploying Classified Staff to Student Support
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District creatively leveraged personnel, particularly staff whose capacities were freed up, to address various student and family needs, such as attendance and engagement when shifting to distanced learning.
Community Cares Program
Monterey Peninsula partnered with local nonprofits and city groups to offer on-site learning support and enrichment opportunities for students experiencing homelessness to access during remote learning.
Reactions in a Zoom Meeting
This video from the Unversity of Queensland shows how instructors can use the reactions feature to engage students during a lesson.
Quick Hands
To ensure students are not only able to engage in a remote setting – but are able to engage comfortably – it is important to give all students the chance to share, participate, and answer questions in fun ways.
Engaging in Real-World Learning Experiences
Schools offer real-world experiences for students to deeply explore their interests and experience authentic learning opportunities.
White Paper: Launching Forward: Leveraging pandemic innovations to advance school systems
This white paper release from The Learning Accelerator is a companion piece to our Hop, Skip, Leapfrog work to identify pandemic innovations advancing school systems. This paper zooms out from discrete innovation points, highlighting thematic...
Conducting a Needs Assessment
Before jumping straight to solutions, school and system leaders should conduct a needs assessment to better understand their problem or challenge.
Research References: Student Engagement
This list of research references accompanies The Learning Accelerator (TLA)'s Insight on Student Engagement in Virtual and Hybrid Learning.
Research References: Learner-Centered Design
This list of research references accompanies The Learning Accelerator (TLA)'s Insight on Learner-Centered Design in Virtual Learning.
Creating Culture that Drives Personalization
Creating a classroom culture that personalizes learning for students is facilitated by teaching key skills and mindsets that students need to navigate their education.