Search Results
Blended Learning Technology Associate Job Description
Sample job description for a new role at the Partnership for LA Schools. The role crosses home and school, as well as IT and academic lines.
Reimagining Teaching In a Blended Classroom
Blended learning involves much more than introducing technology into classrooms; it offers an opportunity to rethink how teachers teach and students learn. TNTP's first version of guidance to help districts and schools rethink their human capital...
TNTP Talent Assessment
This talent assessment is designed to help leaders determine talent needs at the classroom level, identify existing talent, and develop a plan for filling recruitment and professional development gaps.
TNTP Sample 360⁰ Review Questions
Student surveys may be modified to give evaluators a view into the student experience to understand their feelings toward the blended learning model and the teacher’s role. This tools provides some blended-learning-specific questions to consider...
TNTP Core Teaching Rubric for Blended Learning
This teacher observation rubric modifies TNTP’s Core Rubric for blended learning considerations.
TNTP Educator Role Diagnostic
This tool asks a series of questions to help schools define the roles that educators will need to play in blended schools.
Guide: TNTP's Re-imagining Teaching in a Blended Classroom
Blended Learning involves much more than introducing technology into classrooms; it offers an opportunity to rethink how teachers teach and students learn. TNTP's first version of guidance to help districts and schools rethink their human capital...
Fuse RI: An Open Access Model of K-12 Blended Learning Implementation
Learn more about the Highlander Institute's Fuse RI program and how they train and support these teacher leaders in this white paper developed by the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute.
Highlander Institute Fuse Fellowship Training Overview
As part of its statewide Fuse RI program, the Highlander Institute trained and deployed a team of teacher fellows to support district implementation of blended learning.
Roots Executive Director Providing Overview of Staffing Model
Roots ED and Founder, Jonathan Hanover, explains how the school is staffed into content areas. Transcript: Jon Hanover: so our staffing model is basically we have eight teachers who team-teach together for a group of about 100 kids that are...
Teacher Discusses Priorities for Monitoring Independent Learning Time at Roots
Roots teacher, Mackenzie Wagner, discusses the "ladder of priorities" for monitoring and supporting students during independent learning time. Transcript: Mackenzie Wagner: every flex center has a monitor for that center, and they have...