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Whole Class Instruction
Teachers at Cisco use whole group instruction to address common learning needs across the entire class.
Creating Extra Time for Student Support in Extension Classes
Extension classes provide extra time for all 6th grade students and specific 7th grade students to get the academic supports they need.
Bronx Arena High School
Bronx Arena is an alternative high school that serves overage and under-credited students in grades 9-12 in the Bronx borough of New York City. Each student has a custom education plan meant to help them optimally learn what they need to graduate....
Designing Custom Curriculum
Bronx Arena creates and improves upon its own curriculum. This process helps them ensure it is relevant to students. The curriculum serves as a foundational component of individualizing learning for each student.
Coordinating Student Supports with Facilitation Plans
Facilitation plans allow teachers to be proactive, rather than reactive, by identifying possible struggles ahead of time and implementing appropriate interventions to individualize the curriculum to each student’s needs.
Measurement in Action: Using existing data and staff to measure personalized learning
We engaged in two researcher-practitioner partnerships (RPPs) with Distinctive Schools, and Leadership Public Schools over one school year to help them determine how best to scale their personalized learning initiatives. Here are the lessons we...
Fixed Strategy vs. Adapt with Experience: How flexible should our district strategy be over time?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of creating fixed versus adaptive scaling strategies and offers examples of the way systems across the county have managed this tension.
What are key considerations when launching a researcher-practitioner partnership?
External partners can add critical capacity and expertise to help schools tackle measurement goals. However, successful research-practitioner relationships require intentional approaches. We offer three key considerations for launching a successful...
Differentiation: How do I use data to adjust instruction for groups and individual students?
Educators need to translate data insights into instructional actions to harness the potential of student data. This guide will explore various data-informed instructional strategies and actions at the whole-group, small-group, and individual levels.
Today's One Thing for Teachers: Building Connections
Today's One Thing is TLA's new series aimed at sharing concrete resources, ideas, tools, and best practices around one specific topic targeted towards helping educators and leaders solve their challenges around the recent shift to remote and online...
Today's One Thing for Teachers: Structures for Independent Student Work
This installment of TLA’s Today’s One Thing touches on how to help build structures to guide students to work effectively and independently from home.