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Getting the Most Out of K-12 Online Resources and Repositories
As technology continues to advance, online resource repositories – the websites, hubs, libraries, or other platforms used to find and implement resources and practices – have become an increasingly popular tool for educators looking to innovate....
Capturing Teachers’ Thoughts on Technology Usage
Teachers can offer valuable insights on whether devices and tools effectively meet student needs for learning, and therefore should be regularly included in the evaluation process for technology decisions.
Empowering Teachers to Pilot Edtech Tools
A district technology team in MA created a process for teachers to propose pilots of new edtech tools in their classrooms
Supporting Student Nutrition in Virtual and Hybrid Settings: Lessons from Addressing the Digital Divide
Virtual learners often can't access the same level of nutritional support as their in-person peers. This insight helps virtual and hybrid school and system leaders tackle this challenge.
Leveraging Community Engagement to Solve Complex Problems
Community engagement is a critical component to solving problems at the local, state, and/or federal level. This resource helps leaders understand what steps to take to effectively engage and leverage their community connections and respond to real...
Investing in Infrastructure to Solve Complex Challenges
By implementing a strategic and holistic approach to infrastructure, education leaders can begin to address and find solutions to many of the challenges within education. Using the example of student nutrition, the following steps offer guidance on...
Digital Design: How can leaders build educator capacity to leverage technology as a core component of instruction?
This Problem of Practice offers school leaders three approaches to ensure all teachers have access to the resources, support, and capacity needed to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms.
Driving EdTech Systems: Uxbridge Public Schools
Uxbridge Public Schools is located in western Massachusetts and participated in the EdTech Peer Learning Cohort facilitated by The Learning Accelerator (TLA) in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s...