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Robotics at Locust Grove Middle School
A look into the use of robots in the classroom at Locust Grove.
Advisory Class at Locust Grove Middle School
Learn about Advisory Class and how it's used at Locust Grove.
Henry County Cross-Curricular Competencies
Henry County Schools created cross-curricular graduation competencies as pillars for their school design, focusing on communication, collaboration, creativity, & critical thinking.
Multiple Options for Working with Partners
Students have a large amount of choice as to whether they want to work with a partner or in a group and, if so, who they work with.
Student-Led Learning Activities
Educators often create opportunities for students to learn from each other in Cisco.
Group (Advisory Class)
Bronx Arena offers a weekly advisory class called “Group,” which creates time for students to build relationships and community-like structures within their class.
Student Choice of Work Partner at Cisco
Students are allowed to choose their own groups for class activities to help them reach their goals.
Student Collaboration at Cisco
Educators set ground rules, develop a classroom culture, and teach students how to be successful academic partners at Cisco.
Cooperative Learning Teams Overview
Asynchronous guide for working with students to develop cooperative learning teams.
Gratitude Guide for Teachers
Teacher guide that accompanies the GiveThx tool for classroom belonging.
Complete Sentences
Students build language proficiency within academic conversations through responding to teachers using complete sentences whenever they speak.