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How do I strategically instruct students with learning disabilities in a personalized learning classroom?
How do you ensure that your instruction is supporting your students with learning disabilities effectively? Have you looked at ways to crosswalk students' IEPs with your current Learner Plans, engaged educators to collaborate around strategic...
Share Best Practices vs. Share Process/Failures: How might practitioners best learn from one another? What should we be cataloguing and sharing throughout the district?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of sharing “best practices” versus sharing our processes and failures, and offers examples of the way systems across the county have managed this tension.
Centralized vs. Decentralized Implementation: How do we decide what the district should hold tight vs. loose?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of centralized or decentralized implementation of new instructional models and offers examples of the way systems across the county have managed this tension.
“Fast and Furious” vs. “Slow and Steady”: How fast should we be moving from pilot to scale? What will help us best achieve sustainability?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of accelerating versus slowing down the pace of implementation to achieve sustainability and offers examples of the way systems across the country have managed this tension.
“Prix Fixe” vs. “A la Carte”: Should we scale a comprehensive model throughout our system or provide access to a series of independent, modular resources or tools?
This guide unpacks the relative benefits of creating a central “prix fixe” implementation model vs offering more flexible “a la carte” options and offers examples of the way systems across the county have managed this tension.
Mix It Up! The Benefits of Mixed-Ability Groups: IgnitED Research Insight
This installment of our series connecting learning science and instructional practice focuses on the benefits of mixed-ability student groups.
OER Educator Competencies
Learn how district leaders in Hollister R-V Public Schools, a rural district in Missouri, focus on building teacher competencies around OER understanding and use as a key part of professional development.
OER Alignment and Vetting
Explore how Liberty Public Schools provide a number of resources to help content teams curate and reflect on OER content.
What are Open Educational Resources and how can I start using them?
Educators seeking to understand and use Open Educational Resources (OER) can use this guide to help them search for high-quality, rigorous, and standards-aligned OER.
How can I utilize Open Educational Resources to personalize lessons and assessments?
This guide will help educators and school leaders working with Open Educational Resources (OER) to personalize lessons and meet student needs.
How can professional development support creating and implementing Open Educational Resources?
This guide provides an overview of implementing effective personalized professional development that supports curating and creating high-quality, rigorous OER curriculum, alongside concrete resources around competencies for educators.