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Henry County Schools’ Shift To Personalized Learning
Read about how Henry County decided to shift to personalized learning, and how it turned an idea into reality.
Locust Grove Middle School’s Shift to Personalized Learning
Locust Grove collected information from a lot of sources to help inform the “why” and the “what” of their personalized learning efforts.
Student Agency Design Studio Agenda (May 2017)
6th-8th grade math and science teachers at Cisco attended a design studio as part of the Raising Blended Learners initiative. The studio focused on student agency and the agenda highlights key topics, questions, and activities addressed throughout...
Engaging Leaders in Culture Change
How to engage the entire district in a conversation around equity and change the culture of the system.
Teacher Fellowship Opportunities
How to provide peer-supported opportunities for teachers to engage in personalized learning practice.
Partnering with a Local College to Develop New Teacher Training Opportunities
How to build a pipeline of teachers that are ready to teach in personalized learning environments.
Scaling Using a Cohort Model
How to ensure consistency of implementation across the system at a pace that works for all schools.
Design Team Discussion Questions
These discussion questions support the process of building a diverse design team. For more information on this process, explore the strategy card: Activity: Build a Diverse Design Team.
Article: Building the Car While We’re Driving It
Data from across four districts shows that no design team feels like they’ve got everything “right” in their district when it comes to equity and resiliency in teaching and learning. Major disruptive events – like the move to remote schooling as a...
Activity: Pilot Next Steps - Ditch, Iterate, or Scale
When designing change, teams reflect on their pilots and choose appropriate next steps that reflect the needs and priorities of students, families, teachers, and classified staff.
Advice: Common Pitfalls & Tips for Success in Design Work
The design process is transformational and thrilling – but not without its challenges. Here, we surface six common pitfalls, along with potential ways to avoid these same pitfalls, captured from school systems that completed our Real-Time Redesign...