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Mosa Mack
Online science content, including animated mysteries, hands-on labs, and engineering resources.
TLA Snapshot: Data-Driven Ed Tech Decisions
Learn how a school district in Saratoga, California is using data generated from a new tool to inform its ed tech purchasing and allocation decisions.
Navigate Math Content on Gooru
This is an example of Navigate Math course curriculum for third and fourth grade standards from Leadership Public Schools.
BPLC Innovation Funnel
Overview of resource acquisition process for teachers in Greeley-Evans Weld County School District 6
Unlocking Time's strategy on using virtual learning days
This time strategy, created by Unlocking Time, profiles how schools have designed virtual learning days based on various needs, such as emergency situations or to allow for teacher planning days.
EQuIP Rubrics
Achieve's EQuIP (Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products) is an initiative designed to identify high-quality materials aligned to the Common Core State Standards or Next Generation Science Standards. This includes a suite of tools...
modEL Detroit
modEL Detroit, an initiative of StandardsWorks, is supporting Detroit Public Schools in K-8 ELA by providing both planning and delivering resources to support teachers implementing the EL Education curriculum. It has developed Powerpoint slides that...
Oakland Unified School District Blended Learning Profiles – ELA Example
Oakland Unified School District created this set of school profiles focused on blended learning in English Language Arts to highlight the technology tools used, tips, and achievement gains at each site. This resource allows schools to compare usage...