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1:1 Data Conferences
Conferences are an important part of blended learning at Cisco, as students and teachers work together to understand data in a meaningful way that can improve instruction for each student.
Vision 2031
Hopkins Public Schools’ landing page for the district’s Vision 2031, which outlines the vision for an innovative education and a portrait of a graduate in 2031.
Weekly 1:1 Conferences
West Belden teachers value and expect to spend significant amounts of time individually with each student.
Vision 2031: Adoption of District-Wide, 10-Year Vision for Innovation
Using feedback from multiple stakeholders, Hopkins Public Schools crafted a vision for what an innovative education would look like within the district by 2031, including the ideal portrait of a graduate.
Compare & Connect K-12
EducationSuperHighway's Compare & Connect K-12 makes broadband and pricing data transparent so that state and school district leaders have the information they need to get more bandwidth for their broadband budget in order to support digital...
Locust Grove 1:1 Implementation Plan
When Locust Grove Middle School rolled out its 1:1 Chromebook plan, each department brainstormed how they would leverage and utilize the technology within their respective space.
Schoolwide Weekly 1:1 Student Conferences
Weekly, one-to-one conferences supported by all staff members to aid in student development of academic skills, goal setting, and personal relationship building.
1:1 Conferencing at Locust Grove Middle School
Learn how teachers and students use 1:1 conferences at Locust Grove.
Bronx Arena Grading Policy 2017-18
This document describes Bronx Arena's grading policy and rationale.
Bronx Arena 2017-18 Master Schedule
Bronx Arena's master schedule shows the amount of time dedicated to various blocks, including Learning Lab, Arenas, enrichments, and more.