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Personalized Educator Learning at West Belden
CICS West Belden offers teachers choice and more personalized professional education to model this approach for teachers.
Video Case Studies from the National Board
Using video as a tool for teacher reflection and professional learning can be powerful because it allows the teacher to see authentic instruction in action, identify key areas of improvement, and apply key strategies immediately...
Teacher Reflection: Teachers Try Science: Biomimicry
The "Watch this lesson in practice section" has three video clips. The third one features NBCT Dawn McCoart's reflection after conducting the lesson Give Me Biomimetic Shelter.
Teacher Reflection: Teachers Try Science: Product Lifecycles
The Watch this lesson in practice section has three video clips. The third one features NBCT Sandra Kelish reflecting after conducting the lesson From Cradle to Grave: Product Lifecycles.
Supporting Personalized Learning Educators with Coaching at Locust Grove Middle School
Explore how Locust Grove implements coaching and professional development to support educators implementing personalized learning.
Supporting Blended Learning Teachers at Cisco
Discover how Cisco takes deliberate steps to support its blended learning teachers.
Bi-weekly PLC Video Hangout Agenda
Agenda for virtual teacher meetings focused on sharing best practices and building skills together.
Texas Tech on the Forefront of Preparing Teachers in Blended Learning
Blog post describing the partnership between Texas Tech, the Raising Blended Learners Initiative, and Dallas ISD.
Innovative Staffing to Personalize Learning Report
This report, from the Clayton Christensen Institute & Public Impact, explores how new teaching roles and blended learning can help students succeed.
Try a concept-progress model
Concept-progress strategies involve taking an academic concept and first focusing on large group “concept” instruction, then breaking students into smaller groups for targeted “progress” instruction. Check out Unlocking Time's strategy on leveraging...