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Battle Questions
This formative assessment strategy from BetterLesson enables students to demonstrate mastery in a fun and authentic way.
Battling the Boss Explanation
This website covers information about Battling the Boss, the teacher who designed the strategy, and artifacts to help with implementation both in-person and remotely!
Step One: Craft a compelling why
Successful blended and personalized implementations have clear statements for why they are pursuing change through blended and personalized learning. They ground all of their work in this “why,” referring back to it again and again.
Summit Learning Platform
Summit Public Schools has created the Summit Learning Platform that is available to any teacher nationally and used by all schools in the Summit Learning Program. The platform does four things: Empowers students to be self-directed learners,...
Learning Science and Personalization
Using how your students learn to drive your practices and personalize for students through self-reflection, empowering your learners, and allowing for multiple paths to mastery.
Creating Culture that Drives Personalization
Creating a classroom culture that personalizes learning for students is facilitated by teaching key skills and mindsets that students need to navigate their education.
Guide: Personalized PD at Dallas ISD
This Personalized Learning Coaching and Development Tool (PL Toolbox) from Dallas ISD maps out clear competency strands, identifies ways to show mastery in practice, and observational guides to drive meaningful reflection and discussions. This tool...
How do I deepen differentiation and personalization within a station rotation model?
Currently implementing stations and thinking “now what?” This guide will give you resources around how adding more flexibility of movement, timing, strategic data use, and varied groupings will allow for greater differentiation, personalization, and...
How do I ensure rigor and high expectations for the whole student in blended/personalized learning classrooms?
Ensuring rigor and high expectations for students with learning disabilities means more than just making sure they are able to achieve the same content goals, but also supporting them to reach social and emotional goals. This guide explores ways to...
What are Open Educational Resources and how can I start using them?
Educators seeking to understand and use Open Educational Resources (OER) can use this guide to help them search for high-quality, rigorous, and standards-aligned OER.
How can professional development support creating and implementing Open Educational Resources?
This guide provides an overview of implementing effective personalized professional development that supports curating and creating high-quality, rigorous OER curriculum, alongside concrete resources around competencies for educators.