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West Belden's Daily Common Planning
West Belden creates 90 minutes daily for common planning by scheduling non-teaching activities back-to-back.
Common Launch Planning at LPS
Common Launch Planning at LPS LPS initially built and tested their Academic Numeracy course in Google Sheets, and many of those practices have been captured as Blended and Personalized Learning Strategies. LPS has worked with Gooru to create...
CICS WB Common Planning - Guiding Questions
CICS West Belden uses a common protocol for a cycle for common planning to guide analysis and action development.
Daily Common Planning at West Belden
Teachers at CICS West Belden get 90 minutes of common planning time.
Teacher Example: Daily Common Planning at West Belden
CICS West Belden teachers discuss their approach to common planning time.
Common Launch
While Navigate Math is a self-paced course, the class always opens with a common learning experience.
CICS WB Cycle of Planning Meetings
CICS West Belden uses a common protocol for a cycle for common planning to guide analysis and action development.
Data Support and Monitoring via Coaches
West Belden uses coaches to look at data both deeply and broadly, to identify helpful practices and areas for improvement.
Roots' Ongoing Teacher Prep and Collaboration
Given the highly collaborative teaching approach, Roots teachers have several times each day for common planning as well as other opportunities for interaction.
Targeted Large Group Instruction
While most instruction is delivered in small groups or one-to-one, West Belden employs large group instruction strategically when content or skills need broad introduction.