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Depth of Knowledge Levels
Identifying different levels of understanding for learning targets and challenging students to complete the higher levels.
Depth of Knowledge Levels at Locust Grove
A discussion of the use of Depth of Knowledge levels at Locust Grove.
Locust Grove Webb's DOK Task Analysis Protocol
Locust Grove Middle School uses this protocol to analyze and develop the Depth of Knowledge level for various tasks.
Barbara Blackburn's DOK Analysis & Planning
Teachers at Locust Grove Middle School use Dr. Barbara Blackburn's DOK tools to both analyze student work and create learner pathways.
Locust Grove DOK LASW Protocol
Locust Grove Middle School uses this protocol to analyze student work with performance tasks and identify the Depth of Knowledge level.
Selecting Small Groups by Learning Level
Teachers at Locust Grove provide small group instruction to students with similar learning needs. These groups can shift as often as daily, based on student progress.
Locust Grove Sample Learner Pathway - 8th Science Unit 1
Students at Locust Grove Middle School work on personalized learner pathways that are designed with tasks that progress across depth of knowledge levels.
Coordination Between Core Content and Math Focus Teachers
Content and Focus math teachers have the same students throughout the semester and coordinate their teaching and data to best meet each student’s instructional needs.
Locust Grove Middle School
Locust Grove Middle School is a 6th-8th grade personalized learning school in Henry County School District in Georgia.
Customized Learner Pathways
Students use learner pathways to progress through content and instruction. These pathways are modified based on what the students has shown they already know or need to work on.
How do I develop student ownership and accountability in a station rotation model?
Implementing a station rotation model requires intentional accountability systems to develop student ownership and ensure student success. This guide will go through strategies for developing student ownership through choice, habits, and student...