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Trailblazer Station Rotation
Teachers group students, creating different stations for students to engage in.
Using Station Rotations at Trailblazer
Teachers use station rotation with various content areas to break students into small groups and target different learning needs.
Class Example: Station Rotations at Trailblazer
Station rotations in class integrate the use of technology and in-person small group learning with various teachers.
How do I set up a station rotation model in my classroom?
Interested in implementing stations and not sure where to start? This guide will give you tangible resources and research, with key insights and strategies around culture, space, and routines.
How do I develop student ownership and accountability in a station rotation model?
Implementing a station rotation model requires intentional accountability systems to develop student ownership and ensure student success. This guide will go through strategies for developing student ownership through choice, habits, and student...
How do I deepen differentiation and personalization within a station rotation model?
Currently implementing stations and thinking “now what?” This guide will give you resources around how adding more flexibility of movement, timing, strategic data use, and varied groupings will allow for greater differentiation, personalization, and...
How to Make Station Rotation Work During Hybrid Learning
This article explains key ways to implement a station rotation within a hybrid setting.
Differentiating Instruction Based on Student Need
Lovett differentiates instruction during class time through station rotations and opportunities for individual student work.
Virtual Rotation
Implementing a virtual rotation allows in-person and remote students to work together and move through different activities and learning experiences throughout the day.
Selecting Learning Stations at Cisco Junior High School
Educators at Cisco use a variety of station types in the classroom to challenge students and address learning gaps.
Trailblazer 4th Grade Rotation Menu
This menu guides students through choice activities during station rotation.