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Accessing Student Data as a Family or Community Member for Advocacy
The ability to access and utilize data for families and community members is critical for advocating for students. While, accessing data as a family or community member may seem overwhelming or complex, there are public sources that are openly...
Mastery Videos
Mastery is assessed in three ways, one of which is a demonstration recorded on an iPad.
Co-creation of schedules
Root's seeks input from students on how they spend their learning time through one-on-one conferences.
One-on-One Conferencing
Habits of Success teachers have significant flexible time available for individual student conferencing.
Single-Point Rubric
Single-point rubrics simplify the process of assessing student mastery, allowing teachers to easily and frequently give students feedback.
ReNEW DTA Academy
ReNEW’s Dolores T. Aaron Academy (“ReNEW DTA”) is a charter school serving students in pre-K through 8th grade in New Orleans, LA that has developed a mastery-based, 8th grade math program.
How do I deepen differentiation and personalization within a station rotation model?
Currently implementing stations and thinking “now what?” This guide will give you resources around how adding more flexibility of movement, timing, strategic data use, and varied groupings will allow for greater differentiation, personalization, and...
Activity: District Self-Assessment
When designing change, teams start with an in-depth analysis of the history of their school(s), what is currently working well in the district, and where the district’s primary pain points are.
Driving EdTech Systems: Student Data Privacy
This strategy supports users of the EdTech Systems Guide: Equity Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation users in reflecting on and strengthening their school or system’s edtech practices around student data privacy.