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Advice: Select a Competency Framework

Explore multiple frameworks & competencies to see what matches your model or district


In conversations with practitioners and experts around the country, and through our own research, we’ve found that the vast majority of what makes educators successful in traditional environments translates to blended learning. However, certain skills, knowledge, and characteristics take on more importance and emphasis in new models, particularly given the importance of continuous learning and innovation. These competencies/frameworks include both mindset shifts and concrete approaches that can help you in your transition from iNACOL, Jobs for the Future (JFF), Chief State School Officers, Matchbook Learning, and Education Elements.

Strategy Resources

Educator Competencies for Personalized, Learner-Centered Environments - 2020 Edition

In 2015, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the Students at the... Learn More

Website Preview
Matchbook Learning: Human Capital Management for Personalized Learning

Matchbook Learning, a blended learning charter and school management organization, shares their vision for effective... Learn More

Education Elements: Understanding and Supporting Blended Learning Teaching Practices

Education Elements, a blended and personalized learning education technology provider, offers another take on competencies... Learn More

Making Competency Based Learning Real for Educators

In January 2015, The Learning Accelerator and our grantees partnered with Yet Analytics to launch... Learn More