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Battle Questions

Academic game to demonstrate mastery and move up a level


Battle Questions, also known as Battling the Boss, is a formative assessment strategy showcased by BetterLesson that is used at the end of almost every level of an “academic game” or unit. This process allows students to prove that they understand the material covered in each level. It can be done in person or via video conferencing for remote students.

Battling the Boss follows this process:

  1. The teacher asks the student (who has indicated that they are ready to "battle”) one or two questions that require the student to demonstrate a specific skill or skills needed to move up a level.

  2. The student proves that they understand the material in any way possible (e.g., verbally, in a written format).

  3. The student is then able to put their names on the next level's poster (or virtual poster), which is a public demonstration of each student's progress in the course.

If students are not successful, they have the opportunity to do additional preparation and take on a Battle Question another day, when they have mastered the content.