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Common Data Practices

Creating shared expectations of standard practices while also allowing for teacher autonomy


While Trailblazer places an emphasis on teacher autonomy, they also want to ensure their staff has the necessary skills to make the right personalization choices for their students. There are several standard data practices among Trailblazer staff, which help them better understand their students’ needs in real time, including:

  • Bi-weekly data discussions during Professional Learning Communities (PLC).

  • Use of the PLC data sheet during intervention discussions.

  • Data discussions, as needed, during common planning time (4 times per week).

  • Informal conversations before or after school, as well as during sporadic times throughout the day to discuss student progress.

  • Leveraging email and additional digital avenues to communicate student progress and needs outside of face-to-face meetings.

  • Pre-Tests on competencies for the quarter, unit, or the week.

  • Progress monitoring for entire class and those on Individualized Education Plans to identify trends.

Strategy Resources

Professional Learning Communities at Trailblazer

Weekly meetings to discuss student data and identify interventions. Learn More

How Teachers Use Data during PLCs at Trailblazer

Teachers use various data points to drive instructional decisions during professional learning communities. Learn More

Personalizing Pathways Based on Formative Data at Trailblazer

Teachers use pre-assessments and student choice to design student learning pathways. Learn More

Trailblazer Primary Intervention Health Check

Teachers record intervention data, which is collaboratively analyzed during professional learning communities. Learn More