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Digital Demonstrations

Gather evidence of student learning from student work shared digitally


Students can demonstrate their learning by creating digital work products where they illustrate or apply what they have learned in an authentic manner. Some examples include:

  • Creating a video: Students can create a video explaining a concept. They can incorporate visuals using tools like Google Slides coupled with a video-recording program like Explain Everything, Adobe Spark, or Hippo Video.

  • Sharing learning with an audience: Students can download a digital product and share it with a family member or a peer. Take this even further by developing a project that applies learnings to real-life problems (e.g., letters to the editor, consulting for a local business) and sharing it with an authentic audience.

Digital work products are especially effective when working with in-person and remote learners simultaneously because students can submit their products from any location. Many technology tools also enable collaboration so students can share with the teacher and their peers. This allows for virtual gallery walks as well as asynchronous feedback and interaction.

Here are some tools that allow for the creation of digital work products:

These tools have different levels of interactivity, collaboration, and accessibility, but they all can be utilized in a variety of ways for students to illustrate mastery in a creative and engaging manner.

Strategy Resources

Elementary Math Seesaw Explainer Video

A student uses the Seesaw app to record a video to show mastery of a... Learn More

Website Preview
Online Tools for Secondary Math Demonstrations

This slide deck shows examples of ways that different online tools can be used for... Learn More