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Direct Instruction Centered on Social-Emotional Growth

Weekly time during “Compass Class” for social-emotional instruction and work time


Compass Class is an enrichment class that Valor students participate in weekly for approximately one hour. The class serves as a dedicated time and space for students to work on their social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum (which Valor refers to as “Badge Work”). Badge work is rigorous and time-consuming, and the creation of Compass Class allows for in school time for students to make progress, especially for those who are less able to complete this work at home. Monday through Thursday, students alternate daily between Compass Class, Drama, Art, and PE. One extra hour on Fridays is dedicated to Circle, a community-based SEL practice.

Compass Class includes mini-lessons focused on SEL, as well as time for students to complete their independent Badge Work. Mini-lessons are usually 10-15 minutes in length and serve as opportunities for whole-group learning on specific habits of social-emotional growth. For example, a teacher/mentor might provide a mini-lesson on mindfulness, helping students understand what it means to be “mindful.” Outside of the mini-lesson, students spend the majority of class time working through their Badge Work.

Student Does

  • Participates in whole-class SEL mini lesson.
  • Progresses through Badge Work.
  • Receives individualized coaching on badge work.

Teacher Does

  • Provides mini lesson on various SEL practices to the whole class.
  • Provides coaching to students as they work through Badge Work.

Strategy Resources

Enrichment Schedule at Valor Collegiate Academies

The enrichment schedule at Valor is built to allow for social-emotional learning and an elective. Learn More