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Trailblazer's Opportunity Hour

Creating time for Professional Learning Communities by offering unique learning opportunities to students


Opportunity Hour provides students with one hour each week to learn about topics of interest outside traditional curriculum (e.g., chess, circus activities, etc.). Students are able to choose from eight different activities every eight weeks. While students may not always get their first choice, many courses are offered multiple times throughout the year so students can pursue topics of interest.

Opportunity Hour provides benefits to the Trailblazer staff as well. Classes during Opportunity Hour are instructed by specialists, providing core content teachers the chance to meet in Professional Learning Communities. Specialists are also paired with a co-teacher, providing staff with opportunities to work in new content areas with new people.

Strategy Resources

Benefits of Opportunity Hour at Trailblazer

Students and teachers mutually benefit from choice-based opportunity hour. Learn More

Trailblazer Building Schedule

Trailblazer's building schedule shows opportunity hours on Friday mornings, allowing general education teachers to be... Learn More

Trailblazer Opportunity Hour Sign Up

Trailblazer students choose and sign up for learning opportunities that go beyond their normal academic... Learn More

Time for students to explore their passions

This strategy, created by Unlocking Time, captures how schools create time for students to explore... Learn More

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