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Remote Learning Excellence: Three-Session PD Training for Educators and Leaders

Resources for leaders and educators in remote settings aiming for quality implementation


This three-session series was designed to support leaders in building staff capacity for implementing remote and distance learning models. It is openly licensed (free!) and includes concrete resources to begin designing and launching effective remote learning immediately. Each session includes a set of slides, included below, that contains basic information on the topic and can also be used in team professional learning sessions. The resource document below also includes playlists of additional resources and artifacts to accompany each session that teams can explore in a more personalized manner.

Session summaries:

  • Session A: Introduction to Remote Learning: This session is focused on the basic supports needed for remote learning: strategic design and supports for effective implementation. Strategic design includes understanding and leveraging various learning modalities (asynchronous, synchronous, digital, and analog) to build a high-quality learning experience for all students. Effective implementation covers the building blocks to engage students effectively, including an overview of key remote instruction quality drivers, setting up comprehensive student development and social and emotional learning supports, and structures and routines to ensure students are successful as independent learners.
  • Session B: Driving Remote Instruction Quality and Improvement: This session goes one step further than Session A by getting specific about effective remote Instruction and why it is so important to build in opportunities for personalization, mastery-based learning, and data-driven instruction utilizing the various learning modalities so that all students are both engaged in the content but also the experience in an equitable manner.
  • Session C: Building Staff Capacity Remotely: This session is focused on how to help leaders and educators build capacity to implement remote learning effectively through research-based, online professional learning. It includes four key steps for building personalized professional development and specific resources and considerations for designing the experience, as well as developing the content in an aligned way.

Strategy Resources

Session A: Introduction to Remote Learning (Presentation and Video)

This session is focused on the basic supports needed for remote learning: strategic design and... Learn More

Session B: Driving Remote Instructional Quality and Improvement (Presentation and Video)

This session goes one step further than Session A (Introduction to Remote Learning) by getting... Learn More

Session C: Building Staff Capacity Remotely Presentation

This session is focused on how to help leaders and educators build capacity to implement... Learn More