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Soft Deadlines

Estimated timelines for completion that can be modified based on student need


Locust Grove created “soft deadlines” to provide students with timing guidance for the completion of their work. Soft deadlines indicate when certain performance tasks should be completed, which helps students manage their time and stay on track. To develop soft deadlines, teachers take into account state pacing recommendations, the amount of content and assessments in a unit, and how much time it would take for the average student to move through it. Soft deadlines also reinforce the expectation that even though students can work at their own pace, they need to be working at school everyday -- and not taking time off. The task completion deadlines students see in their Learner Pathways serve as reference points for students and teachers but are considered “soft” as they are frequently modified based on each student’s pacing needs.

Student Does

  • Completes performance tasks based on soft deadlines.
  • Moves ahead or slows down depending on how much time they need to complete the performance task.

Teacher Does

  • Develops and shares soft deadlines with students at the beginning of each unit.
  • Monitors individual student progress and modifies deadlines based on pacing needs.
  • Communicates modifications to students through the Learner Pathway or during conferencing.

Strategy Resources

Locust Grove 8th Grade Passion Capstone Project Overview & Rubric

Locust Grove Middle School designs a capstone project for soon-to-graduate 8th graders modeled around 'Genius... Learn More

Locust Grove 8th Grade ELA Learner Pathway

Locust Grove Middle School designs a capstone project for soon-to-graduate 8th graders modeled around 'Genius... Learn More