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Student Choice Over Path, Place, and Modalities

Students choose assignments and learning resources to create a more personalized learning experience


Students choose what they’re learning, when they’re learning, and what they want to focus on each day. Students are encouraged to move through the dashboard in a linear fashion but don’t have to do so. There are often multiple learning resources (~5 per objective) for a specific objective (e.g., visual, text-based, video, and bilingual) and students are able to choose the content that works best for them.

Learning Collection with Choice Resources in Gooru
This is a sample learning collection in Gooru.

Weekly Student Planner
This is a sample weekly planning sheet from the Google version of the LPS student dashboard.

Diagnostic To Do List
This a sample Unit To Do list, which a student fills out after completing a diagnostic assessment.

Student Daily/Weekly To Do
This is a sample weekly planning sheet from the Google version of the LPS student dashboard.

Student Does

  • Chooses path, place, and learning resources best suited to them.
  • Takes diagnostic for unit of choice.
  • Reflects on diagnostic results and identifies at least two things they want to work on and puts in their “to-do” list.
  • Determines which assessments they can skip based on diagnostic results.

Teacher Does

  • Allows students to choose the sequence and pace of instruction, as well as learning resources, that work best for them.
  • Provides students clarity about which learning activities all students must complete and which activities students can skip by showing proficiency on the diagnostic.
  • Provides prompts and supports for students who could potentially be making better learning decisions.

Technology Does

  • Provides a multitude of learning resources for students to learn from for a particular objective.
  • Provides a complete list of learning objectives and units that students can work through in their own way.

Strategy Resources

Student Choice at LPS Richmond

Sophia Thomas, teacher, explains the parameters of choice available to students, which include what to... Learn More

Student Choice of Assignments at LPS Richmond

Sophia Thomas, teacher, shares how she supports students in their self-paced learning by monitoring progress... Learn More

Student Choice of Learning Resources at LPS

How a student chooses learning resources for a learning objective. LPS initially built and tested... Learn More

Multiple Resources for Learning Objectives at LPS

Example of multiple learning resources for a learning objective. LPS initially built and tested their... Learn More