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Teacher Supported Student Goal Setting

Students set short and long term goals to direct their learning


Pleasant View Elementary teachers serve as mentors to students, helping them develop learning strategies, emotional intelligence, and self-directed learning behaviors. Students have one-on-one weekly meetings with their mentor teachers to articulate long and short term goals, and measure progress in meeting those goals. Students set goals at the beginning of the week and mentors review student data to see if their goals align well with their current path/progress. Mentors celebrate students successes, help guide them towards future growth, and ask questions of learners to help them reflect on their work.

This is a screenshot of student goals in the Summit PLP.

Student Does

  • Sets short and long term goals focused on how they can grow academically and as a person.
  • Meets with teacher to discuss goals and progress.

Teacher Does

  • Provides mentorship to students, ensuring they are setting high quality goals that are specific and personalized to each student.
  • Provides students with class opportunities to practice skills.
  • Provides feedback to students about their performance and suggests potential adjustments to goals (e.g. If a study strategy isn’t working, they may suggest to try another one).

Technology Does

  • Provides a record of goals and progress that enables the teacher and student to monitor and discuss.

Strategy Resources

Summit Learning Platform

Summit Public Schools has created the Summit Learning Platform that is available to any... Learn More

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