Curriculum Blueprint Stakeholder Surveys
Following the rollout of curriculum blueprints for remote instruction, Austin ISD’s academic team sought feedback. The team surveyed teachers and students in October of 2020 and then again in December of 2020, helping to surface trends in usage, as well as problems and opportunities for improvement.
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Driving EdTech Systems: Natick Public Schools
Natick Public Schools participated in the EdTech Peer Learning Cohort facilitated by The Learning Accelerator (TLA) in partnership with the...
Driving EdTech Systems: Continuous Improvement Guide
This strategy provides school- and system-level edtech leaders with activities to support them in designing improvement efforts that align...
Driving EdTech Systems: Audit Your EdTech Systems
This strategy provides school- and system-level edtech leaders with a three-step process to understand how their edtech systems align with...