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Mastery Charter Schools: Brainstorming Ideas for Blended Learning that Foster Independence

Mastery Charter Schools sought to address a key problem in their district: “How might we build a blended learning model that fosters achievement and independence in our high school students?”

In brainstorming solutions, the team identified three categories of solutions:

  • Adopt practices that focus on teacher moves. This set of solutions honors the critical role that teachers play in the classroom and focuses on how to equip teachers with the support and materials needed to engage students via blended learning.
  • Adopt practices that focus on systems and processes. This set of solutions recognizes that a move to a blended learning model is a significant change across a network, and thus explores the ways that network-provided resources (e.g., sample lesson plans, new software/tools) may be important foundations for the change.
  • Adopt practices that focus on students. This set of solutions anticipates challenges high schoolers might face in moving from a traditional to a blended learning model, and suggests concrete ways to scaffold the student independence needed for success in a blended learning model (e.g., pairing students together, enabling student voice and choice in their learning, and promoting student goal-setting).

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