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Monterey Peninsula: Preparing Stakeholders for Co-Creation

As part of their pilot for Real-Time Redesign, one of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District design team’s initial priorities was to orient students and teachers to their role as co-designers. The team designed a short training session in which they gave participants an overview of the liberatory design process and created space for interactive discussion, questions, and reflection. The design team also shared their vision and problem of practice (“How might we increase flexibility and personalization to build a sense of belonging and connection within the context of our labor and policy constraints?”) to prepare participants to create solutions that would build relationships and strengthen student belonging in the district.

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Student wearing headphones waves at laptop screen, smiling

Newport News' Approach to Social Connections in Virtual Learning

Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, Newport News' Virtual Learning Academy Academy designed and...

Student smiles at laptop screen

West Chester Area School District's Approach to Mastery and Expectations

Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, West Chester Area School District's Cyber Program sought to...

Student works on laptop, sitting at home desk

Highline Virtual Academy's Approach to Student Expectations and Engagement in Virtual Learning

Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, Highline Virtual Academy sought to establish common...