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Teacher Discusses Flexibility in Groupings at Roots

Roots teacher, Lecksy Wolk, shares how small group composition is influenced both by academic and behavioral needs.


Transcript: Lecksy Wolk: it's interesting because they're very – they're not static. We made a change yesterday based on a behavioral need, right? So although we tend to have like, D is quote-unquote our highest group, and A is quote-unquote our lowest group, like, friends that need extra help and friends that are above average, right? And, not above average. I guess that's the wrong word. But like, just in terms of ability. But, we also separate based on behavioral needs – so like, grouping scholars, it's like okay, so these three boys, when they're in the same classroom, tend to escalate each other, and that's a concern for everyone. Not only their learning ability but everyone's learning ability. So we might move one up or one down. And then we also change pretty drastically after every testing cycle, just about, and we – usually one content teacher will get to choose. So, we'll say, writing, you're gonna separate our groups for D-B-C-A. And then everyone will kind of jump in and like, make adjustments. But that's pretty much it.

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