Measurement Agenda Acknowledgements
A series of calls were conducted between August 2015 and January 2016, during which partners reviewed and provided feedback on the strategies included in our Blended Learning Measurement Agenda.
Partners included:
Think tank, professional, and policy organizations:
- Clayton Christensen Institute: Thomas Arnett
- Getting Smart: Carrie Schneider, EdD
Intermediary support and capacity building organizations, and professional services:
- Dellicker Strategies: Kevin Dellicker & Brian Regan
- Education Development Center: Thomas Haferd, PhD
- FSG: Matt Wilka
University and non-university based researchers:
- Friday Institute at NC State: Jeni Corn, PhD
- Mathematica Policy Research: Alexandra Resch, PhD
- Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute: Kathryn Kennedy, PhD & Kristen DeBruler, PhD
- SRI Education: Rebecca Griffiths, PhD & Marie Bienkowski, PhD
- University of Colorado Denver: Kent Seidel, PhD & Jeremiah Holden, PhD
Survey development and testing organizations:
- Kaplan: Bror Saxberg, MD, PhD
Evaluation organizations, consultants, and individuals:
- Clark Consulting: Tom Clark, PhD
- Verena Roberts, BEd, MALT, MET, EdD (in progress)