Dojo Dollars is the name given to the online class economy powered by ClassDojo. ClassDojo.com is a free, online management system where students can receive points or deductions for classroom actions. Students' ClassDojo points become Dojo Dollars they can spend for supplies, class time, and special activities. As students earn points, they transfer them to DojoDollars on Friday. They can spend their money at the store to buy class time to do other activities that they are interested in or other fun prizes. This system allows the teacher to have an accurate picture of class behavior, while making it easy to focus on the positive behaviors as well. The easy family communication and messaging features also allow for quick, seamless family communication and collaboration.
Access more of Daniel Guerrero’s strategies: http://betterlesson.com/user/4...
Access strategies from other teachers in BetterLesson’s Blended Master Teacher Project : http://betterlesson.com/blende...
Strategy Resources
Payments, Fees, and Fines Chart
Here is a student-facing reminder that they have many opportunities to earn more money, while... Learn More
Dojo Dollar Bills
Dojo Dollar Bills get handed out on Friday for students to spend at the class... Learn More
Dojo Dollars Screencast
This screencast shows you a glimpse into how the teacher gives Dojo Dollars out, how... Learn More