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Self-Reported Grading

Students input their scores from multiple online programs to increase ownership and reduce load on teacher


Students access multiple online programs through a single dashboard. The data from many of these programs, however, are not something that will autonomously sync into a single data portal. Instead of having the teacher looking through a variety of programs and matching student performance with each task, students simply take the score from their program and insert it into their data sheet. This allows the teacher to see students’ scores from a variety of programs in one single sheet.

Internal assessments are also built into the new Gooru platform, which provides automated data reporting to the teacher and student. Concerns over cheating are minimized by a mastery-based system, since students can improve their score by showing mastery at a later date. Teacher conferencing reduces any concern over students incorrectly populating data, which is further minimized by the teacher comparing student populated data with unit assessment data to make sure they match. If they don’t, the teacher can work with the student to make sure they fix any mistakes made while populating data.

Student Dashboard: Pathway and Readiness
This is a sample student view of a learning pathway and their readiness data ontheir Google dashboard.

Student Use of Pathway Doc
This is a photo of a student using a learning pathway document.

Student Does

  • Inputs score from outside program into their “Results” column of the Pathway sheet on their student dashboard.

Teacher Does

  • Reviews student progress.
  • Compares learning objective results to unit tests results to verify that student is inputting scores correctly.

Technology Does

  • Online programs automatically score formative assessments for learning objectives.
  • Provides a template for students to input and track progress, and for teachers to review progress.

Strategy Resources

LPS Sample Student Google Dashboard

This is a sample student Google dashboard used for LPS's Navigate Math course. (LPS has... Learn More