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Tool: Edtech Pilot Framework

A tool for designing and running educational technology pilots


This suite of resources provides a step-by-step process to help education leaders and technology developers quickly access best practices, tools, and resources for running successful educational technology (edtech) pilots.

There are two ways to navigate the framework:

  1. Explore the framework steps, which include educator testimonials and tips for success, as well as tools and resources to help you get started.
  2. Select “Tools and Resources” in the top toolbar to jump directly to files and links that can help you launch your own pilot. See below for a full description of how it’s organized and tagged.

The Framework was developed using research findings from Digital Promise’s Edtech Marketplace research. From 2011-2016, we conducted research on the impact of educational products, and provided recommendations for creating a more efficient K-12 edtech marketplace. The pilot framework is based on best practices identified by observing and conducting pilots in fifteen League of Innovative Schools districts.