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Teacher Explains Benefits of ClassDojo for Behavior Monitoring at Roots

Roots teacher, Megan Miles, shares how ClassDojo is used to collect data on student behaviors in order to inform support provided to students.


Transcript: Megan Miles: right now what we do, and we're trying to find a system – and most traditional behavior systems are based on this model where like you have the same kids all the time so you can track what they're doing a little bit easier. So, we've been using ClassDojo, which all the teachers have on their phone. And we have different like, Dojos up for like showing our values, Dojos down for talking when you're supposed to be silent. Or like, running when you're not supposed to be running. Whatever that is. And so, we will give the kids Dojo down – a lot of it works more as like, an information system where at the end of the day, too, we can pull kids. So I can track kids throughout the day. I know exactly like, what they're getting the dojos for, when they're getting them, who's giving them to them, so I can get a better sense of like, what's triggering their behavior, and we also print out the reports every day at the end of the day, and those go home with the parents. So that way, like, parents are getting not only like, oh, your kid had a red day, or a green day, or whatever it was. But it's like, your kid had like, 12 Dojos up, and they had them for this, this, this, this, and this; and they had 6 Dojos down, and it was for these three different things. So that way, parents can have conversations with their kids, too. They can also, which is one thing that's really cool about Dojo is they can access the app in real-time. So I have – not every parent is using it, but it also have some parents like, honestly, I've had dads like, text me and be like, "All right, I need to talk to my daughter. I'm watching her Dojo. I know she has four dojos down. That is not acceptable. Can you have her call me?" And I was like, sure thing. And like, have those conversations in real-time with the kids, which is really cool.

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