By Design Project Guide
This is a sample project guide for a seven-week interdisciplinary project in ELA, science, social studies, and health. The guide outlines the big question and content area driving questions and explains for students and parents how progress towards learning objectives (concepts and standards) will be assessed as well as the type of evidence that is expected to be produced.
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Cabarrus Virtual Academy's Approach to Active Engagement in Virtual Learning
Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, Cabarrus Virtual Academy designed and piloted a program...
Increasing Student Buy-In with Targeted Communications (NYC SWOW)
Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, NYC School Without Walls designed and piloted a program that...
Addressing Student Engagement Through Hybrid Project-Based Learning (Cabarrus Virtual Academy)
Cabarrus Virtual Academy designed and piloted a project-based learning (PBL) lesson for middle-school students to provide them with...