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Mastery Charter Schools: Empathy Interviews on Blended Learning and Culturally-Responsive Teaching

Mastery Charter Schools’ redesign sought to integrate blended learning and culturally-responsive teaching. Translating that model into specifics would require input from a variety of stakeholders: students, teachers, and families. The design team carefully considered who to interview, how to ensure that interviewees felt authentically heard, and what questions to ask to get specific input. The team conducted multiple rounds of interviews, intentionally seeking out the voices of disengaged students, in particular.

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Family uses laptop together, smiling

Madison Promise Online Program's Approach to Communication

Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, Madison Promise Online Program sought to identify ways to...

Students stand in hallway with their arms around each others' shoulders

Engaging Families Through In-Person Events (Cajon Valley Virtual Learning Program)

Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, Cajon Valley's Virtual Learning Program sought ways to help...

Student works with parent, smiling at laptop

NYC School Without Walls' Approach to Student and Family Engagement

Through their participation in TLA's Strategy Lab: Virtual & Hybrid program, NYC School Without Walls sought to increase engagement with...