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Roots Executive Director Discusses Benefits of Periodic Benchmark Assessments at Roots

Roots ED and Founder, Jonathan Hanover, discusses how the team uses leveled competency-based assessments across every content area to assess growth and learning trajectories.


Transcript: Jon Hanover: roughly every six to eight weeks, we deliver competency-based assessments in every content area. Core content area, at least. Reading, writing, math, and science. And what that looks like is – it's kind of what leveled reading assessments look like that are more commonly used but we do it across content areas. So, when scholars start, they take the level one test. If they pass the level one test, they take the level two test. If they pass the level two test, they take the level three test. And so, we know in every content area, exactly where along their developmental trajectory they are – you know, what they've learned, what they haven't learned yet, and what their next steps are for instruction. Whether they're five years old, six years old, or seven years old. If you are a level two, and the thing that kept you from passing a level three was better understanding character motivation, then you'll be getting instruction on how to better understand character motivation.

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