School Districts and Tutoring Providers Explore Outcomes-Based Contracting K-12 Math Education
This blog post provides highlights from the Outcomes-Based Contracting Summit co-organized by Harvard University’s Center for Education Policy Research and Third Sector. Ector County Independent School District Superintendent Scott Muri was a part of the summit.
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Investing in Infrastructure to Solve Complex Challenges
By implementing a strategic and holistic approach to infrastructure, education leaders can begin to address and find solutions to many of...
Advice: Considerations for Creating a Homegrown Residency Program
This report aims to provide K-12 systems with a means to identify and align on the ideal outcomes and expectations for a residency program,...
School-Based Budget Decision Making with District-Facilitated Support
To support school leaders in building decision-making skills and autonomy around school-based budgeting, Hopkins Public Schools provided...