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Teacher Discusses Prep Time and Collaborative Planning at Roots

Roots teacher, Mackenzie Wagner, shares how structured protocols and tools support planning.


Transcript: Mackenzie Wagner: the form that we use right now is effective in guiding next steps for instruction. I'm hoping to make it even more detailed so that it really helps teachers – especially when I think about first-year teachers who might not've been through a data-driven process like this before. Basically, guide them step-by-step starting with what, again, like we start with the best growths. But then, really breaking it down into standards and why certain standards weren't met and why certain standards were met. And then, guiding a really detailed instructional plan. So, right now, our analysis does a really good job of telling us what we've done for the last six weeks. I want to make sure we have a template that also tells us what we should be doing for the next six weeks.