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Activity: Reflect on Equity in Your Pilot

Take time to step back and ensure that your solution has the desired impact



When you have completed a pilot and are considering scaling up your solution to impact more students, it is especially important to ensure your idea aligns with and actually advances your goals for equity. Additionally, reflecting back on the path you took to get to this point before you invest in scaling a solution and exposing more students and teachers to it will help to prevent you from repeating mistakes or furthering unintentional side effects.

Steps to Implementation

Suggested time: 30-60 minutes

  1. Gather your team in a room (in-person or virtual) with access to sticky notes or a digital alternative, such as Google Jamboard.

  2. As a design team, consider the following questions outlined in the Reflect on Equity in Your Pilot Discussion Questions document:
    • Did our pilot positively impact students and teachers – especially those whom we’ve sought to design for?

    • Will our pilot advance equity in our district (ensuring that each student has what he or she needs in order to succeed academically and beyond)? What evidence do we have for this?

    • How has our process continued to prioritize equity in terms of who we have engaged, what work we have done, and what decisions we have made? Where could we have done better?

    • As we prepare to scale our solutions, what barriers to equity do we need to keep in mind? What will it take to address those barriers?

  3. Revisit the work you’ve done in this unit. If necessary, repeat steps to improve the equity of your process.

This strategy is a part of TLA's Real-Time Redesign release, a practical toolkit for improving equity and resiliency in schools. Explore the full guide to find additional strategies, insights, and resources.
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Ensuring Equity & Resiliency

In this step,

  • Equity looks like honestly reflecting on who has – and has not – helped shape and evaluate your selected solution as well as who did – and did not – benefit from your selected solution.

  • Resiliency looks like continuing to tweak your prototype based on lessons learned from this equity pause. Resiliency also looks like stopping any plans for scale until your design team can confidently say that your process and your early outcome measures meet a high bar for equity.

Strategy Resources

Reflect on Equity in Your Pilot Discussion Questions

These discussion questions accompany the Activity: Reflect on Equity in Your Pilot strategy card. Learn More