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Data Support and Monitoring via Coaches

Embedded staff to close loop between data plans and action


Coaches are able to view similar data to that of teachers and have more time to dive deeper, as well as compare data across schools, to identify helpful practices and areas for improvement. Coaches spend half the day teaching, which allows them to implement ideas and practices in the classroom. In addition to providing helpful practices, coaches are also available to support teachers with any additional needs they may have.

Coaches also play an extensive role in the evolution of educators collaborating over data. At the beginning of the year, coaches are in every data meeting, providing a good amount of structure. As the year progresses and collaborative data skills improve among educators, coaches provide push-in support as needed.

Strategy Resources

CICS WB Common Planning - Guiding Questions

CICS West Belden uses a common protocol for a cycle for common planning to guide... Learn More

Data Dashboards Usage by Coaches at West Belden

Watch a screencast of how a coach at CICS West Belden uses the school's data... Learn More

Program Data Usage by Instructors at West Belden

In this screencast, a CICS West Belden teacher explains how they review data on program... Learn More