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Homework Hotlines

Offering students virtual academic support outside of classroom time


One of the key drivers for successful virtual learning is enabling students to seek help when they face a challenge they are unable to work through on their own. By receiving timely support or help when they need it, they can continue their online coursework instead of waiting to finish when their teacher becomes available, which could lead to missed deadlines or academic gaps.


Similar to a study hall in brick-and-mortar schools, many virtual schools have incorporated a live virtual help room or telephone hotline for students to join or call whenever they run into a question, challenge, or issue. These virtual help options are usually available outside of class hours, such as during evenings or weekends, so students can receive support whenever they need it. They are typically staffed by the school’s teachers or other academic staff, allowing students to receive support from someone other than their teacher.

Some other helpful features of live online support are:

  • One-to-one individualized support that may not be possible in a virtual group class.

  • Working with a specialized content expert that may present material in a different way.

  • Ability to use whiteboards and/or digitally draw to work through content (for some online programs).

  • Links to FAQs and other helpful resources.

Strategy Resources

Laurel Springs School (LSS) Live

LSS Live is a synchronous academic support room at Laurel Springs School which is open... Learn More