Infinity Learning Maps provide teachers an opportunity to support their students to draw out how they are learning. Students complete a mapping exercise that identifies a mix of people, tools, places and interactions involved in their learning. Teachers then support students to collaboratively analyze their maps to develop and address personalized learning-how-to-learn goals. Teachers can also use the Infinity Learning Maps e-guide to further position students as agents of change in their own learning. Students can then make changes to improve their learning situations and go on to draw successive maps to develop their knowledge and skills in learning-how-to-learn.
NOTE: The first maps tend to be minimalist pictures of the students’ learning situations. Typically, follow up maps become much richer as goals are more meaningful. Throughout the process students grow in confidence, make changes of their choice, and share their change stories with one another, their teachers, and parents. Schools using Infinity Learning Maps are also engaging parents in activities and their students' education in new and creative ways.
Student Does
Draw and analyze their Infinity Learning Maps to decide on a change priority to improve a challenging learning situation.
Electronically store data about their maps for future use.
- Talk with their teachers and parents about the support they need to achieve their learning-how-to-learn goals.
Teacher Does
Select students to trial the mapping activities and iron out implementation challenges.
Set the scene by prompting a student discussion about learning-how-to-learn in the past and into the future and where the students fit within the frames.
- Facilitate the Infinity Learning Maps process with students and invite parents in to support their children.
Strategy Resources
The Role of Technology in LM: Video
An authentic blended learning experience is created by starting with a non-digital and aesthetically pleasurable... Learn More
Accelerating Learning Through Learning Maps: Video
Via Infinity Learning Maps, school leaders and teachers are seeing students make positive changes to... Learn More