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Getting Started

With remote learning now happening in homes, at community centers, at day care centers, and with relatives, friends, and other caregivers, it is important that all those supporting learning have the tools and resources they need to feel confident and ready to engage with their students.

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Looking for a specific topic or resource to better support your students? Explore strategies and practices around…

Most Popular Resources for Community Members & Caregivers

Two students, one showing a peace sign, draping her arm around another student's shoulders
Highlighting Essential Habits for Developing Excellence in Mind, Body, and Spirit

Determining and committing to “Core Compass Habits” that promote student social and emotional growth

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Leveraging Community Engagement to Solve Complex Problems

Step-by-step guidance to engaging the community in support of K-12 transformation

Three students - two women and one man - collaborate at a bank of computers.
Resources for the K-12 Education Sector to Prepare for the NTIA Digital Equity Funds

Resources to help school systems, states, libraries, community-based organizations, and others in the K-12 sector advance digital equity

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Steps to Conduct a Policy Context Evaluation

A step-by-step look into assessing policy to establish sustainable programs

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Remote Learning: Planning for Improvement

Power Moves for Remote Learning

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Creative Commons Basics

How Creative Commons licensing supports OER

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Building Capacity With an Edtech Champions Program

Tap into accessible, in-house edtech experts, ad hoc coaches, and light-touch technical support

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Emotions Scan

Support students in identifying and naming their emotions

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Intentional Problem-Solving to Support Student Development

Help students in addressing barriers and challenges through a dedicated problem-solving process

Woman sits in front of computer, smiling
Organizing and Analyzing Qualitative Data

Organizing qualitative data is the first step towards analyzing data efficiently

Two laptops set beside each other on a table
Separate School and Home Devices

Providing high quality devices for each student at school, as well as loaner devices they can take home

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Investing in Infrastructure to Solve Complex Challenges

Step-by-step guidance on investing in educational infrastructure to transform learning

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Community Voices
Woman typing at computer with view of chart behind her
During one of our many deep dives into the black hole of internet searches, looking for strategies and tips you can use to #ReThinkHighSchool, we came across a holy grail of resources from The Learning Accelerator. They analyzed hundreds of schools and systems nationwide to identify the best instructional and operational practices for implementing blended and personalized learning. Here’s the best part: All of these resources are easy-to-find with an awesome category system you can filter by topic, grade, and audience.
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