What are the opportunities for states to catalyze and accelerate blended learning? The Learning Accelerator and Innovation Partners uncovered tangible ways a handful of state actors are working to support more personalized and blended learning innovation. These include:
- Texas nonprofit Raise Your Hand Texas launches a twenty-site community of practice to advance blended learning.
- Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement creates the Innovation Fund Foundation which aims to attract, coordinate, and leverage resources across public entities, philanthropists, the business sector and more.
- Tennessee Department of Education launches its first personalized learning initiative to test, adapt, and evolve blended learning’s potential to increase student achievement.
- Rhode Island’s education innovation cluster, EduvateRI, lays the groundwork to become the perfect place to pilot and expand new innovation. These stories illuminate different pathways and approaches, as well as different, respective capabilities, capacities, and autonomies used to create change.